Sherrilyn Kenyon
Názov: Born of Fire
Séria: The League
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.33
Názov: Born of Fire
Séria: The League
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.33
He takes no prisoners.
Syn was raised as a tech-thief until his livelihood uncovered a truth that could end his life. He tried to destroy the evidence, and has been on the run ever since. Now trained as an assassin, he allows no one to threaten him. Ever. He is „the darkness that swallows his enemies whole.
She offers no escape.
Shahara Dagan is the best bounty hunter in the universe. When Syn comes back on the radar, she’s the only one who can bring him to justice. There’s only one problem: Syn is a close family friend who’s helped out the Dagans countless times. But if she saves him, both of their lives will be on the line. Is Syn’s protection worth the risk? The only hope Shahara has is to find the evidence he buried long ago. Now it’s kill or be killed - and they, the predators, have just become the hunted...
Syn was raised as a tech-thief until his livelihood uncovered a truth that could end his life. He tried to destroy the evidence, and has been on the run ever since. Now trained as an assassin, he allows no one to threaten him. Ever. He is „the darkness that swallows his enemies whole.
She offers no escape.
Shahara Dagan is the best bounty hunter in the universe. When Syn comes back on the radar, she’s the only one who can bring him to justice. There’s only one problem: Syn is a close family friend who’s helped out the Dagans countless times. But if she saves him, both of their lives will be on the line. Is Syn’s protection worth the risk? The only hope Shahara has is to find the evidence he buried long ago. Now it’s kill or be killed - and they, the predators, have just become the hunted...
Knihy od
tejto autorky bez výhrad zbožňujem a keď som si zohnala celú sériu v papierovej
forme, bolo jasné, že sa do nej okamžite pustím (hoci som ju už raz čítala). Táto
kniha mi robila spoločnosť v buse ešte cez prázdniny, keď som sa vracala domov,
ale ešte som sa akosi nedokázala prinútiť napísať recenziu. A teraz konečne
nastal ten čas...