(zoradené podľa priezviska autora)
Ahdieh, Renée - Smoke in the Sun (Flame in the Mist 2)
Ahdieh, Renée - The Beautiful (The Beautiful 1)
Ahdieh, Renée - The Beautiful (The Beautiful 1)
Asher, Jay - Thirteen Reasons Why
Asimov, Isaac - Nadácia (Nadácia 1)
Asimov, Isaac - Nadácia a Impérium (Nadácia 2)
Asimov, Isaac - Nadácia (Nadácia 1)
Asimov, Isaac - Nadácia a Impérium (Nadácia 2)
Asimov, Isaac - Ja, robot (Ja, robot 1)
Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid's Tale
Aveyard, Victoria - Červená kráľovná (Red Queen 1)
Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid's Tale
Aveyard, Victoria - Červená kráľovná (Red Queen 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Shadow and Bone (The Grisha Trilogy 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Siege and Storm (The Grisha Trilogy 2)
Bardug, Leigh - Ruin and Rising (The Grisha Trilogy 3)
Bardugo, Leigh - Six of Crows (Six of Crows 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows 2)
Bardugo, Leigh - King of Scars (King of Scars 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Siege and Storm (The Grisha Trilogy 2)
Bardug, Leigh - Ruin and Rising (The Grisha Trilogy 3)
Bardugo, Leigh - Six of Crows (Six of Crows 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows 2)
Bardugo, Leigh - King of Scars (King of Scars 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Rule of Wolves (King of Scars 2)
Bardugo, Leigh - Wonder Woman: Warabringer (DC Icons 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - The Language of Thorns
Bardugo, Leigh - Ninth House (Alex Stern 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Wonder Woman: Warabringer (DC Icons 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - The Language of Thorns
Bardugo, Leigh - Ninth House (Alex Stern 1)
Bardugo, Leigh - Prekliaty spoločník
Bareš, Pavel - Projekt Kronos (Projekt Kronos 1)
Bareš, Pavel - Kronovy děti (Projekt Kronos 2)
Bareš, Pavel - Projekt Kronos (Projekt Kronos 1)
Bareš, Pavel - Kronovy děti (Projekt Kronos 2)
Benkovič, Martin - Lovec (Ajriš 3)
Bennett, Robert Jackson - Město schodů (Božská města 1)
Bennett, Robert Jackson - Město mečů (Božská města 2)
Bennett, Robert Jackson - Město zázraků (Božská města 3)
Bennett, Robert Jackson - Město schodů (Božská města 1)
Bennett, Robert Jackson - Město mečů (Božská města 2)
Bennett, Robert Jackson - Město zázraků (Božská města 3)
Bird, Tabitha - Krámek s fantazií
Black, Holly - The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air 1)
Black, Holly - The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air 2)
Black, Holly, The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air 3)
Black, Holly - The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air 1)
Black, Holly - The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air 2)
Black, Holly, The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air 3)
Black, Holly - Book of Night (Book of Night 1)
Blake, Kendare - Tri temné koruny (Temné koruny 1)
Blake, Kendare - Jeden temný trón (Temné koruny 2)
Blake, Kendare - Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns 3)
Blake, Kendare - Tri temné koruny (Temné koruny 1)
Blake, Kendare - Jeden temný trón (Temné koruny 2)
Blake, Kendare - Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns 3)
Bolyová, Adriana - Hierarchia šera (Vojna spektra 3)
Boorman, Kate A. - Smrtná zima (Smrtná zima 1)
Bracken, Alexandra - The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds 1)
Bracken, Alexandra - Never Fade (The Darkest Minds 2)
Boorman, Kate A. - Smrtná zima (Smrtná zima 1)
Bracken, Alexandra - The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds 1)
Bracken, Alexandra - Never Fade (The Darkest Minds 2)
Bracken, Alexandra - Lore
Briggs, Patricia - séria Mercedes Thompson 1 - 8
Briggs, Patricia - Ohnivý dotyk (Mercedes Thompson 9)
Briggs, Patricia - Dlouhé ticho (Mercedes Thompson 10)
Briggs, Patricia - Smrtící žár (Alfa & Omega 4)
Broadway, Alice - Tinta (Leora 1)
Broadway, Alice - Iskra (Leora 2)
Briggs, Patricia - séria Mercedes Thompson 1 - 8
Briggs, Patricia - Ohnivý dotyk (Mercedes Thompson 9)
Briggs, Patricia - Dlouhé ticho (Mercedes Thompson 10)
Briggs, Patricia - Smrtící žár (Alfa & Omega 4)
Broadway, Alice - Tinta (Leora 1)
Broadway, Alice - Iskra (Leora 2)
Brown, Gareth - The Book of Doors
Brown, Pierce - Red Rising (Red Rising Saga 1)
Burge, Rachel - The Twisted Tree (The Twisted Tree 1)
Brown, Pierce - Red Rising (Red Rising Saga 1)
Burge, Rachel - The Twisted Tree (The Twisted Tree 1)
Correia, Larry - Lovecká sezona 2 (Lovecká sezona 2)
Crouch, Blake - Borovice (Mestečko Wayward Pines 1)
Crouch, Blake - Borovice (Mestečko Wayward Pines 1)
Davis, Barbara - The Last of the Moon Girls
de Bodard, Aliette - Řád zlomených křídel (Dominium Padlých andělů 1)
de Bodard, Aliette - Řád zlomených křídel (Dominium Padlých andělů 1)
Drews, C. G. - Don't Let the Forest In
du Maurier, Daphne - Rebeka
Duncan, Emily A. - Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy 1)
du Maurier, Daphne - Rebeka
Duncan, Emily A. - Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy 1)
Forest, Laurie - The Black Witch (The Black Witch Chronicles 1)
Forester, Kim - Hněv pegasů (Kroniky Kavalonu #1)
French, Jonathan - Šedí bastardi (Souzené země 1)
Forester, Kim - Hněv pegasů (Kroniky Kavalonu #1)
French, Jonathan - Šedí bastardi (Souzené země 1)
Goldberg, Leonard - Dcera Sherlocka Holmese (The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes Mysteries 1)
Green, Hank - Je to absolútne fenomenálne (Je to absolútne fenomenálne 1)
Green, Hank - Je to absolútne fenomenálne (Je to absolútne fenomenálne 1)
Hamilton, Alwyn - Rebel of the Sands (Rebel of the Sands 1)
Hamilton, Alwyn - Traitor to the Throne (Rebel of the Sands 2)
Hamilton, Alwyn - Hero at the Fall (Rebel of the Sands 3)
Hamm, Emma - Heart of the Fae (The Otherworld 1)
Hamilton, Alwyn - Traitor to the Throne (Rebel of the Sands 2)
Hamilton, Alwyn - Hero at the Fall (Rebel of the Sands 3)
Hamm, Emma - Heart of the Fae (The Otherworld 1)
Jackson, Holly - As Good As Dead (A Good Girl's Guide to Murder 3)
Jackson, Stina - Strieborná cesta
Jae-Jones, S. - Wintersong (Wintersong 1)
Jae-Jones, S. - Shadowsong (Wintersong 2)
Jackson, Stina - Strieborná cesta
Jae-Jones, S. - Wintersong (Wintersong 1)
Jae-Jones, S. - Shadowsong (Wintersong 2)
James, Marlon - Mesačná čarodejnica, pavúčí kráľ (Temná hviezda 2)
Jaroněk, Petr - Běsi z temného hvozdu
Jaroněk, Petr - Ospalá slovanská díra
Jay, Stacey - Of Beast and Beauty
Jaroněk, Petr - Běsi z temného hvozdu
Jaroněk, Petr - Ospalá slovanská díra
Jay, Stacey - Of Beast and Beauty
Johansen, Erika - Kráľovná Tearlingu (The Queen of the Tearling 1)
Johansen, Erika - Invázia do Tearlingu (The Queen of the Tearling 2)
Johansen, Erika - Osud Tearlingu (The Queen of the Tearling 3))
Johnson, Maureen - Truly Devious (Truly Devious 1)
Johnston, E. K. - A Thousand Nights
Johnston, E. K. - Exit, Pursued by a Bear
Jones, Amo - The Silver Swan + The Broken Puppet (The Elite Kings Club 1 + 2)
Johansen, Erika - Invázia do Tearlingu (The Queen of the Tearling 2)
Johansen, Erika - Osud Tearlingu (The Queen of the Tearling 3))
Johnson, Maureen - Truly Devious (Truly Devious 1)
Johnston, E. K. - A Thousand Nights
Johnston, E. K. - Exit, Pursued by a Bear
Jones, Amo - The Silver Swan + The Broken Puppet (The Elite Kings Club 1 + 2)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Illuminae (The Illuminae Files 1)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Gemina (The Illuminae Files 2)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Obsidio (The Illuminae Files 3)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle 1)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Gemina (The Illuminae Files 2)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Obsidio (The Illuminae Files 3)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle 1)
Kaufman, Amie & Kristoff, Jay - Aurora Burning (The Aurora Cycle 2)
Kemmerer, Brigid - A Curse So Dark and Lonely (A Curse So Dark and Lonely 1)
Kemmerer, Brigid - Call It What You Want
Kemmerer, Brigid - Letters to the Lost
Kemmerer, Brigid - A Curse So Dark and Lonely (A Curse So Dark and Lonely 1)
Kemmerer, Brigid - Call It What You Want
Kemmerer, Brigid - Letters to the Lost
Kmečová, Vladimíra - Vodná kniha (Bahadurovo dedičstvo 2)
Kova, Elise - Prvá Veterná čarodejka (Mágia živlov 1)
Kova, Elise - Pád Ohnivého princa (Mágia živlov 2)
Kristoff, Jay - Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle 1)
Kristoff, Jay - Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicle 2)
Kristoff, Jay - Darkdawn (The Nevernight Chronicle 3)
Kristoff, Jay - Stormdancer (The Lotus War 1)
Kristoff, Jay - Lifel1k3 (Lifelike 1)
Kristoff, Jay - Dev1at3 (Lifelike 2)
Kova, Elise - Prvá Veterná čarodejka (Mágia živlov 1)
Kova, Elise - Pád Ohnivého princa (Mágia živlov 2)
Kristoff, Jay - Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle 1)
Kristoff, Jay - Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicle 2)
Kristoff, Jay - Darkdawn (The Nevernight Chronicle 3)
Kristoff, Jay - Stormdancer (The Lotus War 1)
Kristoff, Jay - Lifel1k3 (Lifelike 1)
Kristoff, Jay - Dev1at3 (Lifelike 2)
LaFevers, Robin - Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin 2)
LaFevers, Robin - Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin 3)
LaFevers, Robin - Courting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology 1)
LaFevers, Robin - Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin 3)
LaFevers, Robin - Courting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology 1)
Levenseller, Tricia - Warrior of the Wild
Levenseller, Tricia - The Shadows Between Us
Lim, Elizabeth - Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars 1)
Levenseller, Tricia - The Shadows Between Us
Lim, Elizabeth - Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars 1)
Maas, Sarah J. - Catwoman: Soulstealer (DC Icons 3)
Maas, Sarah J. - House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City 1)
Maas, Sarah J. - House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City 1)
Maehrer, Hannah Nicole - Assistant to the Villain (Assistant to the Villain 1)
Machová, Petra - Dračí město (Dračí město 1)
Mahurin, Shelby - Serpent & Dove (Serpent & Dove 1)
Machová, Petra - Dračí město (Dračí město 1)
Mahurin, Shelby - Serpent & Dove (Serpent & Dove 1)
May, Elizabeth - The Vanishing Throne (The Falconer 2)
May, Elizabeth - The Fallen Kindgom (The Falconer 3)
May, Elizabeth - The Fallen Kindgom (The Falconer 3)
McGuire, Seanan - Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children 1)
McGuire, Seanan - Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Wayward Children 2)
McGuire, Seanan - Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children 3)
McGuire, Seanan - Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Wayward Children 2)
McGuire, Seanan - Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children 3)
Meyer, Marissa - Heartless
Meyer, Marissa - Renegáti (Renegáti 1)
Meyer, Marissa - Wires and Nerve 1 + 2
Meyer, Marissa - Renegáti (Renegáti 1)
Meyer, Marissa - Wires and Nerve 1 + 2
Michálková, Simona - Pekelný plášť
Michell, Tom - Môj priateľ tučniak
Miller, Madeline - Circe
Miller, Madeline - The Song of Achilles
Millwood Hargrave, Kiran - The Deathless Girls
Michell, Tom - Môj priateľ tučniak
Miller, Madeline - Circe
Miller, Madeline - The Song of Achilles
Millwood Hargrave, Kiran - The Deathless Girls
Ness, Patrick - Nájdi odpoveď (Nespútaný chaos 2)
Ness, Patrick - Prebuď monštrum (Nespútaný chaos 3)
Ness, Patrick - Prebuď monštrum (Nespútaný chaos 3)
Oravský, Roland - Elpis
Oseman, Alice - Radio Silence
Owen, Margaret - The Merciful Crow (The Merciful Crow 1)
Oseman, Alice - Radio Silence
Owen, Margaret - The Merciful Crow (The Merciful Crow 1)
Reeve, Philip - Smrteľné stroje (Smrteľné stroje 1)
Reeve, Philip - Zlato predátora (Smrteľné stroje 2)
Reeve, Philip - Zlato predátora (Smrteľné stroje 2)
Sáenz, Benjamin Alire - Last Night I Sang to the Monster
Sáenz, Benjamin Alire - Nevysvetliteľná logika môjho života
Sáenz, Benjamin Alire - Nevysvetliteľná logika môjho života
Salvatore, R.A. & Lewis, Erika - Farba drakov
Sanderson, Brandon - Pyro (Pomstitelia 2)
Sanderson, Brandon - Katastrofa (Pomstitelia 3)
Sanderson, Brandon - Skyward (Skyward 1)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Poslední přání (Zaklínač 1)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Meč osudu (Zaklínač 2)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Krev elfů (Zaklínač 3)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Čas opovržení (Zaklínač 4)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Křest ohněm (Zaklínač 5)
Scott, Michael - Alchymista (Tajomstvá nesmrteľného Nicholasa Flamela 1)
Scott, Michael - Mág (Tajomstvá nesmrteľného Nicholasa Flamela 2)
Sanderson, Brandon - Pyro (Pomstitelia 2)
Sanderson, Brandon - Katastrofa (Pomstitelia 3)
Sanderson, Brandon - Skyward (Skyward 1)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Poslední přání (Zaklínač 1)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Meč osudu (Zaklínač 2)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Krev elfů (Zaklínač 3)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Čas opovržení (Zaklínač 4)
Sapkowski, Andrzej - Křest ohněm (Zaklínač 5)
Scott, Michael - Alchymista (Tajomstvá nesmrteľného Nicholasa Flamela 1)
Scott, Michael - Mág (Tajomstvá nesmrteľného Nicholasa Flamela 2)
Scott, Michael - Nekromant (Tajomstvá nesmrteľného Nicholasa Flamela 4)
Scull, Luke - Temné bratrstvo (Grim Company 1)
Scull, Luke - Meč severu (Grim Company 2)
Schwab, V. E. - Temnější tvář magie (Shades of Magic 1)
Schwab, V. E. - A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic 2)
Scull, Luke - Temné bratrstvo (Grim Company 1)
Scull, Luke - Meč severu (Grim Company 2)
Schwab, V. E. - Temnější tvář magie (Shades of Magic 1)
Schwab, V. E. - A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic 2)
Schwab, V. E. - Stretnutie tieňov (Odtiene mágie 2)
Schwab, V. E. - A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic 3)
Schwab, V. E. - A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic 3)
Schwab, V. E. - Zaklínanie svetla (Odtiene mágie 3)
Schwab, V. E. - Vicious (Villains 1)
Schwab, V. E. - Vengeful (Villains 2)
Schwab, V. E. - Vicious (Villains 1)
Schwab, V. E. - Vengeful (Villains 2)
Schwab, V. E. - Gallant
Schwab, Victoria - This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity 1)
Schwab, Victoria - Our Dark Duet (Monsters of Verity 2)
Scholte, Astrid - Štyri mŕtve kráľovné
Scholte, Astrid - The Vanishing Deep
Schwab, Victoria - This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity 1)
Schwab, Victoria - Our Dark Duet (Monsters of Verity 2)
Scholte, Astrid - Štyri mŕtve kráľovné
Scholte, Astrid - The Vanishing Deep
Sharpe, Tess - The Girls I've Been (The Girls I've Been 1)
Sharratt, Mary - Dcery čarodějného vrchu
Shen, L.J. - The Kiss Thief
Shusterman, Neal - Scythe (Arc of Scythe 1)
Shusterman, Neal - Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe 2)
Shusterman, Neal - The Toll (Arc of a Scythe 3)
Sharratt, Mary - Dcery čarodějného vrchu
Shen, L.J. - The Kiss Thief
Shusterman, Neal - Scythe (Arc of Scythe 1)
Shusterman, Neal - Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe 2)
Shusterman, Neal - The Toll (Arc of a Scythe 3)
Sirotková, Amália - Zabudnuté rozprávky
Slee, Katherine - Pre Emily
Smith, Crysta - Krvavec (Zväzky mágie 1)
Slee, Katherine - Pre Emily
Smith, Crysta - Krvavec (Zväzky mágie 1)
Sněgoňová, Kristýna - Krev pro rusalku
Soyka, Katarína - Svedomie temnej časti
Spooner, Maegan - Na lovu
Soyka, Katarína - Svedomie temnej časti
Spooner, Maegan - Na lovu
St. John Mandel, Emily - Moře klidu
Staveley, Brian - Císařovy čepele (Kronika Netesaného trůnu 1)
Staveley, Brian - Prozřetelnost ohně (Kronika Netesaného trůnu 2)
Stehlíková, Petra - Naslouchač (Naslouchač 1)
Stehlíková, Petra - Faja (Naslouchač 2)
Staveley, Brian - Císařovy čepele (Kronika Netesaného trůnu 1)
Staveley, Brian - Prozřetelnost ohně (Kronika Netesaného trůnu 2)
Stehlíková, Petra - Naslouchač (Naslouchač 1)
Stehlíková, Petra - Faja (Naslouchač 2)
Stehlíková, Petra - Nasterea (Naslouchač 3)
Sterling, Isabel - These Witches Don't Burn (These Witches Don't Burn 1)
Stevenson, Noelle - Nimona
Sterling, Isabel - These Witches Don't Burn (These Witches Don't Burn 1)
Stevenson, Noelle - Nimona
Tahir, Sabaa - Plamen v temnotě (Jiskra v popelu 2)
Tahir, Sabaa - Smrt před branami (Jiskra v popelu 3)
Tahir, Sabaa - Smrt před branami (Jiskra v popelu 3)
Tripathi, Amish - Nesmrtelní z Meluhy (Trilogie Šiva 1)
Tucholke, April Genevieve - Milosrdné přízraky
Tucker, K. A. - The Simple Wild (Wild 1)
Urrea, Luis Alberto - Dom zlomených anjelov
Tucholke, April Genevieve - Milosrdné přízraky
Tucker, K. A. - The Simple Wild (Wild 1)
Urrea, Luis Alberto - Dom zlomených anjelov
Vaughan, Brian K & Staples, Fiona - Saga (Vol. 1 - 6
Vilches, Jesús B - Kodex Apokalypsy (Malefic Time)
Vilches, Jesús B - Kodex Apokalypsy (Malefic Time)
Winterson, Jeanette - Vášeň
Wonderful, Nathaniel & Stonewall, Theodora - Nevyzpytatelné jsou cesty osudu (Božská tragikomedie 1)
Wonderful, Nathaniel & Stonewall, Theodora - Nevyzpytatelné jsou cesty osudu (Božská tragikomedie 1)
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