sobota 30. júna 2018

Japonský mytologický steampunk | Stormdancer

Autor: Jay Kristoff
Názov: Stormdancer
Séria: The Lotus War
Diel: prvý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 3.8
The Shima Imperium verges on the brink of environmental collapse; an island nation once rich in tradition and myth, now decimated by clockwork industrialization and the machine-worshipers of the Lotus Guild. When hunters of Shima's imperial court are charged by their Shōgun to capture a legendary griffin, they fear their lives are over. Any fool knows the beasts have been extinct for more than a century, and the price of failing the Shōgun is death. 
Accompanying her father on the Shōgun’s hunt, the girl Yukiko finds herself stranded: a young woman alone in Shima’s last wilderness, with only a furious, crippled griffin for company. Even though she can hear his thoughts, even though she saved his life, all she knows for certain is he’d rather see her dead than help her. But together, the pair will form an indomitable friendship, and rise to challenge the might of an empire. 

“To be a servant can be a noble thing, but only as noble as the master served.”

pondelok 25. júna 2018

S korunou a bez meča | Quests for Glory

Autor: Soman Chainani
Názov: Quests for Glory (čes. Vzhůru za slávou)
Séria: The School for Good and Evil: The Camelot Years (čes./slov. Škola dobra a zla)
Diel: prvý/štvrtý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: pripravuje CooBoo (SR aj ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.28
The students at the School for Good and Evil thought they had found their final Ever After when they vanquished the malevolent School Master. Now, on their required fourth-year quests, the students face obstacles both dangerous and unpredictable, and the stakes are high: success brings eternal adoration, and failure means obscurity forever.
For their quests, Agatha and Tedros are trying to return Camelot to its former splendor as queen and king. For her quest, Dean Sophie seeks to mold Evil in her own image. But soon they all feel themselves growing more isolated and alone.
When their classmates’ quests plunge into chaos, however, someone must lead the charge to save them...

“Is it really a Lie if someone is unwilling to see the Truth?” 

sobota 23. júna 2018

Top 10 #18: Keď sa sci-fi spojí s fantasy

Naozaj veľmi dlho mi trvalo, kým som sa konečne prinútila napísať tento článok. Pritom materiál na jeho napísanie som mala pripravený už minimálne dva posledné týždne. Takže sa opäť prejavuje moja lenivosť. Dúfam ale, že napriek všetkému si tento článok radi prečítate...

utorok 19. júna 2018

Nebezpečné intrigy, ale aj mágia | Smoke in the Sun

Autor: Renée Ahdieh
Názov: Smoke in the Sun
Séria: Flame in the Mist
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.04
After Okami is captured in the Jukai forest, Mariko has no choice—to rescue him, she must return to Inako and face the dangers that have been waiting for her in the Heian Castle. She tricks her brother, Kenshin, and betrothed, Raiden, into thinking she was being held by the Black Clan against her will, playing the part of the dutiful bride-to-be to infiltrate the emperor's ranks and uncover the truth behind the betrayal that almost left her dead. 
With the wedding plans already underway, Mariko pretends to be consumed with her upcoming nuptials, all the while using her royal standing to peel back the layers of lies and deception surrounding the imperial court. But each secret she unfurls gives way to the next, ensnaring Mariko and Okami in a political scheme that threatens their honor, their love and very the safety of the empire.

“Our deepest truths are usually the hardest to conceal.”

štvrtok 14. júna 2018

Čo mohlo byť pred netopierom | Batman: Nightwalker

Autor: Marie Lu
Názov: Batman: Nightwalker
Séria: DC Icons
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: chystá CooBoo (predbežne na koniec novembra)
Hodnotenie na GR: 3.74
Before there was Batman, there was Bruce Wayne...
An impulsive act on his eighteen birthday sentences him to community service at the infamous Arkhan Asylum, home to the city’s most dangerous and deadly criminals.
Amongst them is Madeleine Wallace – a brilliant killer and Bruce’s only hope to save Gotham from its new menace: the Nightwalkers.
But can Madeleine be trusted or is this all part of her plan to destroy the city forever?

“That was what drew him to machines. They followed algorithms, not emotion; when Bruce pushed his foot down on the pedal, the car only responded in one way.” 

utorok 12. júna 2018

Nielen závislosť je monštrum | Last Night I Sang to the Monster

Autor: Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Názov: Last Night I Sang to the Monster
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.19
Zach is eighteen. He is bright and articulate. He's also an alcoholic and in rehab instead of high school, but he doesn't remember how he got there. He's not sure he wants to remember. Something bad must have happened. Something really, really bad. Remembering sucks and being alive – well, what's up with that? 

“The heart can get really cold if all you've known is winter.”

piatok 8. júna 2018

Blíži sa záhuba Londýnov? | A Gathering of Shadows

Autor: V. E. Schwab
Názov: A Gathering of Shadows (čes. Setkání stínů)
Séria: Shades of Magic (čes. Tvář magie)
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: Argo, 2017 (ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.32
It has been four months since a mysterious obsidian stone fell into Kell's possession. Four months since his path crossed with Delilah Bard. Four months since Prince Rhy was wounded, and since the nefarious Dane twins of White London fell, and four months since the stone was cast with Holland's dying body through the rift--back into Black London.
Now, restless after having given up his smuggling habit, Kell is visited by dreams of ominous magical events, waking only to think of Lila, who disappeared from the docks as she always meant to do. As Red London finalizes preparations for the Element Games--an extravagant international competition of magic meant to entertain and keep healthy the ties between neighboring countries--a certain pirate ship draws closer, carrying old friends back into port.
And while Red London is caught up in the pageantry and thrills of the Games, another London is coming back to life. After all, a shadow that was gone in the night will reappear in the morning. But the balance of magic is ever perilous, and for one city to flourish, another London must fall.

“I know where you sleep, Bard."

She smirked. "Then you know I sleep with knives.”

utorok 5. júna 2018

Knihomoľ editorom alebo čo priniesol siedmy a ôsmy semester

Študentský život ma najskôr veľmi očaril. Inak si neviem vysvetliť, že som napriek svojmu predchádzajúcemu predpokladu a istému odhodlaniu nakoniec predsa len pokračovala v štúdiu aj na druhom stupni. Pričom väčšinu roka som si myslela, že ma posadol diabol, že som sa tak rozhodla. Našťastie sa vyskytlo veľa vtipných momentov, ktoré mi štúdium spríjemňovali. Tu sú niektoré z nich...

piatok 1. júna 2018

Ľudia a ich výnimočné schopnosti | Renegáti

Autor: Marissa Meyer
Názov: Renegáti (angl. Renegades)
Séria: Renegáti (angl. Renedages)
Diel: prvý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: CooBoo, 2018 (ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.12
Renegáti jsou syndikát lidí s neobyčejnými schopnostmi. Vynořili se z trosek zničené společnosti a zavedli znovu řád tam, kde dosud vládl chaos. Jako obhájci práva a spravedlnosti jsou pro všechny symbolem odvahy a naděje. Výjimkou jsou zločinci, které kdysi svrhli.
Nova má důvod Renegáty nenávidět a touží po pomstě. Jenže na cestě za svým cílem potká Adriana, který je Renegát. Dosáhne Nova nakonec své pomsty?

„Kdo se ničeho nebojí, nemůže být statečný.“