V uplynulom
roku som prečítala pomerne veľa kníh a veľa z nich bolo naozaj
dobrých. Iné zase boli slabšie a niektoré slabé, ale tak niekedy sa
jednoducho nedarí pri výbere. Rozhodla som sa o tých najlepších z najlepších
napísať článok a mala som čo robiť, aby som nakoniec vybrala menej ako
dvadsať kníh. Nech sa páči, tu sú...
nedeľa 31. decembra 2017
štvrtok 28. decembra 2017
Rozprávka končí | Veins of Magic
Emma Hamm
Názov: Veins of Magic
Séria: The Otherworld
Diel: druhý
České alebo slovenské vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.5
Názov: Veins of Magic
Séria: The Otherworld
Diel: druhý
České alebo slovenské vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.5
Heartache dogs the steps of Sorcha of
Ui Neill. Although she is home with her family, she is unable to shake the
memories of her time in Hy-brasil. She heals with a heavy heart, tells stories
with melancholy words, and cannot forget the magic of the Otherworld. When an
opportunity arises to return to her beloved Fae Prince, she makes a
questionable deal. Dark magic, druidic curses and a witch open a portal and
send her tumbling into the middle of a war she must end for the sake of all who
dwell in the Otherworld.
The once banished king battles his way through the Otherworld, freeing the Lesser Fae with each swing of his sword. Each attack turns Eamonn into something far more beastly than before. Geodes multiply and hinder his movements, harden his heart, and crystalize his resolve.
Together, they face the King of the Seelie Fae and his golden army to end the war that will change the fate of the Otherworld forever.
The once banished king battles his way through the Otherworld, freeing the Lesser Fae with each swing of his sword. Each attack turns Eamonn into something far more beastly than before. Geodes multiply and hinder his movements, harden his heart, and crystalize his resolve.
Together, they face the King of the Seelie Fae and his golden army to end the war that will change the fate of the Otherworld forever.
“War is dark and dangerous, there are many who fall prey to its nightmares.”
pondelok 25. decembra 2017
Starý príbeh, nový šat | Heart of the Fae
Emma Hamm
Názov: Heart of the Fae
Séria: The Otherworld
Diel: prvý
České alebo slovenské vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.19
Názov: Heart of the Fae
Séria: The Otherworld
Diel: prvý
České alebo slovenské vydanie: zatiaľ nie je
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.19
Once upon a time…
A plague sweeps across the emerald hills of Uí Néill, leaving a young midwife’s father with months to live. To save her people, Sorcha makes a deal with a dangerous Fae. She must travel across the sea, through merrow and kelpie lands, to find a forgotten king on a crumbling throne.
Born king of the Seelie Fae, Eamonn fought battles unnumbered to uphold honor, duty, and freedom… until his twin brother sank a blade between his shoulders. Crystals grew from the wound, splitting open skin and bone. His people banished him to a cursed isle for his disfigurement, now king of criminals and fools.
With the help of brownies, pixies, and will-o’-the-wisps, Sorcha battles to break through his crystalline shell and persuade him to take back his stolen throne.
This determined beauty could come dangerously close to stealing his beastly heart.
A plague sweeps across the emerald hills of Uí Néill, leaving a young midwife’s father with months to live. To save her people, Sorcha makes a deal with a dangerous Fae. She must travel across the sea, through merrow and kelpie lands, to find a forgotten king on a crumbling throne.
Born king of the Seelie Fae, Eamonn fought battles unnumbered to uphold honor, duty, and freedom… until his twin brother sank a blade between his shoulders. Crystals grew from the wound, splitting open skin and bone. His people banished him to a cursed isle for his disfigurement, now king of criminals and fools.
With the help of brownies, pixies, and will-o’-the-wisps, Sorcha battles to break through his crystalline shell and persuade him to take back his stolen throne.
This determined beauty could come dangerously close to stealing his beastly heart.
“It‘s not a shameful thing to want to save your family.”
5 hviezdičiek,
Emma Hamm,
Heart of the Fae,
High fantasy,
The Otherworld
štvrtok 21. decembra 2017
Stáva sa čítanie povinnosťou?
V poslednom
čase sa čoraz častejšie stretávam s priznaním, že sa čítanie stáva akousi
povinnosťou. Že knihomoli už viac nepestujú svoju vášeň, pretože ich už čítanie
nebaví tak ako predtým, nemajú toľko času ako predtým, nechcú čítať tak ako
predtým. Pôvodne som sa k tomu nechcela vyjadrovať, ale moja fantázia má
podivné spôsoby fungovania. Niekedy si robí čo chce bez ohľadu na to, čo si ja
sama prajem...
pondelok 18. decembra 2017
Knižné spektrum #2
vždy vyslovene vyhľadávam knihy, ktoré by ma rozosmiali, ale keď už nejakú
nájdem, rozhodne si jej čítanie užívam. Hlavne ak sa na prvý pohľad zdá, že
príbeh je vážny a úplne skostnatený vo svojej nudnosti. Vybrať len päť
bolo náročné, ale nakoniec sa mi podarilo spomenúť si na pomerne dobré kúsky...
štvrtok 14. decembra 2017
Epický koniec? Nemyslím si. | Frost Like Night
Sara Raasch
Názov: Frost Like Night
Séria: Snow Like Ashes (čes. Sníh nebo popel)
Diel: tretí
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: CooBoo (ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.00
Názov: Frost Like Night
Séria: Snow Like Ashes (čes. Sníh nebo popel)
Diel: tretí
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: CooBoo (ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.00
is alive, his Decay is spreading—and no one is safe.
Meira will do anything to save her world. With Angra trying to break through her mental defenses, she desperately needs to learn to control her own magic—so when the leader of a mysterious Order from Paisly offers to teach her, she jumps at the chance. But the true solution to stopping the Decay lies in a labyrinth deep beneath the Season Kingdoms. To defeat Angra, Meira will have to enter the labyrinth, destroy the very magic she’s learning to control—and make the biggest sacrifice of all.
As Angra unleashes the Decay on the world, Meira, Mather, and Ceridwen must bring the kingdoms of Primoria together…or lose everything.
Meira will do anything to save her world. With Angra trying to break through her mental defenses, she desperately needs to learn to control her own magic—so when the leader of a mysterious Order from Paisly offers to teach her, she jumps at the chance. But the true solution to stopping the Decay lies in a labyrinth deep beneath the Season Kingdoms. To defeat Angra, Meira will have to enter the labyrinth, destroy the very magic she’s learning to control—and make the biggest sacrifice of all.
As Angra unleashes the Decay on the world, Meira, Mather, and Ceridwen must bring the kingdoms of Primoria together…or lose everything.
“It is amazing what you can hide when no one knows what to look for.”
3 hviezdičky,
Frost Like Night,
High fantasy,
Sara Raasch,
Snow Like Ashes,
nedeľa 10. decembra 2017
Všetci klamú | Prozřetelnost ohně
Brian Staveley
Názov: Prozřetelnost ohně (angl. The Providence of Fire)
Séria: Kronika Netesaného trůnu (angl. Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne)
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: FANTOM Print, 2017 (ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.15
Názov: Prozřetelnost ohně (angl. The Providence of Fire)
Séria: Kronika Netesaného trůnu (angl. Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne)
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: FANTOM Print, 2017 (ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.15
Spiknutí, které mělo zničit vládnoucí rod
annurské říše, není ani zdaleka u konce. Adare poté, co odhalila identitu vraha
svého otce, prchá z Paláce úsvitu. Hledá spojence, s nimiž by se mohla postavit
převratu, který měl svrhnout její rodinu. Jen málokdo jí důvěřuje, avšak poté,
co se jí – jak sama věří – dotkla bohyně Intarra, božská patronka říše, se k ní
lidé začnou přidávat, aby jí pomohli získat zpět hlavní město.
Armády se připravují na velký střet a hrozba barbarských hord přinutí rivaly sjednotit se proti společnému nepříteli. Valyn, odpadlík od nejelitnější bojové síly říše a Adarein bratr, se bez jejího vědomí spojil s útočícími kočovníky. Strašlivé volby, k nimž jsou oba přinuceni, by mohly vést k nevyhnutelné válce mezi nimi. Mezi Valynem a Adare se však ocitá jejich bratr Kaden, právoplatný dědic Netesaného trůnu, který s pomocí dvou podivných společníků pronikl do hlavního města Annuru. Jejich znalost tajné historie, která stojí za těmito událostmi, by mohla Annur zachránit, nebo také zničit.
Armády se připravují na velký střet a hrozba barbarských hord přinutí rivaly sjednotit se proti společnému nepříteli. Valyn, odpadlík od nejelitnější bojové síly říše a Adarein bratr, se bez jejího vědomí spojil s útočícími kočovníky. Strašlivé volby, k nimž jsou oba přinuceni, by mohly vést k nevyhnutelné válce mezi nimi. Mezi Valynem a Adare se však ocitá jejich bratr Kaden, právoplatný dědic Netesaného trůnu, který s pomocí dvou podivných společníků pronikl do hlavního města Annuru. Jejich znalost tajné historie, která stojí za těmito událostmi, by mohla Annur zachránit, nebo také zničit.
„Minulost je sen. Budoucnost je sen. Existuje jedině teď.“
štvrtok 7. decembra 2017
Návrat do rozprávky | The Enchantress Returns
Chris Colfer
Názov: The Enchantress Returns (slov. Návrat zlej sudičky)
Séria: The Land of Stories (slov. Krajina príbehov)
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: Fragment, 2017 (SR aj ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.49
Názov: The Enchantress Returns (slov. Návrat zlej sudičky)
Séria: The Land of Stories (slov. Krajina príbehov)
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: Fragment, 2017 (SR aj ČR)
Hodnotenie na GR: 4.49
After decades of hiding, the evil
Enchantress who cursed Sleeping Beauty is back with a vengeance.
Alex and Conner Bailey have not been back to the magical Land of Stories since their adventures in The Wishing Spell ended. But one night, they learn the famed Enchantress has kidnapped their mother! Against the will of their grandmother, the twins must find their own way into the Land of Stories to rescue their mother and save the fairy tale world from the greatest threat it's ever faced.
Alex and Conner Bailey have not been back to the magical Land of Stories since their adventures in The Wishing Spell ended. But one night, they learn the famed Enchantress has kidnapped their mother! Against the will of their grandmother, the twins must find their own way into the Land of Stories to rescue their mother and save the fairy tale world from the greatest threat it's ever faced.
“The cruelest thing you can do to someone is force them to hurt alone.”
pondelok 4. decembra 2017
Top 10 #11: Dobrodružná space opera
V poslednom čase som
rozoberala len podžánre fantasy, tak som sa rozhodla vplávať tak trochu aj do
sci-fi vôd. Teraz som si vybrala žáner, o ktorom som už počula, ale stále
presne neviem, aké knihy sa do neho vlastne zaraďujú. Tak sa na to spolu poďme
sobota 2. decembra 2017
Cestovanie, opisy a nuda | Ice Like Fire
Sara Raasch
Názov: Ice Like Fire (čes. Led nebo oheň)
Séria: Snow Like Ashes (čes. Sníh nebo popel)
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: CooBoo, 2018 (ČR; 30. 3.)
Hodnotenie na GR: 3.79
Názov: Ice Like Fire (čes. Led nebo oheň)
Séria: Snow Like Ashes (čes. Sníh nebo popel)
Diel: druhý
Slovenské alebo české vydanie: CooBoo, 2018 (ČR; 30. 3.)
Hodnotenie na GR: 3.79
Meira just wants her people to be safe. When Cordellan debt forces the
Winterians to dig their mines for payment, they unearth something powerful and
possibly dangerous: Primoria's lost chasm of magic. Theron sees this find as an
opportunity—with this much magic, the world can finally stand against threats
like Angra. But Meira fears the danger the chasm poses—the last time the world
had access to so much magic, it spawned the Decay.
So when the king of Cordell orders the two on a mission across the kingdoms of Primoria to discover the chasm's secrets, Meira plans on using the trip to garner support to keep the chasm shut and Winter safe—even if it means clashing with Theron. But can she do so without endangering the people she loves?
As the web of power and deception is woven tighter, Theron fights for magic, Mather fights for freedom—and Meira starts to wonder if she should be fighting not just for Winter but for the world.
So when the king of Cordell orders the two on a mission across the kingdoms of Primoria to discover the chasm's secrets, Meira plans on using the trip to garner support to keep the chasm shut and Winter safe—even if it means clashing with Theron. But can she do so without endangering the people she loves?
As the web of power and deception is woven tighter, Theron fights for magic, Mather fights for freedom—and Meira starts to wonder if she should be fighting not just for Winter but for the world.
“The most powerful magic of all is choice.”
2.5 hviezdičky,
High fantasy,
Ice Like Fire,
Sara Raasch,
Snow Like Ashes,
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